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« spring rejuvenation | Main | see saw »

March 26, 2008


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I *love* that shade of green, especially with the pink and red stripe in the pillows. Such a great combination! I've never painted outdoor furniture before. If you find out why they peeled so badly I'd be interested to know for future reference.


I love the colour on your chairs! Keep it :)


Thanks Amy & Marie for your vote on keeping the key lime color! and if I can figure out what I did wrong on painting the chairs, I'll definitely let you know Amy.


What great chairs. I would say paint them another color! I'm all for things changing. New season new color. I'm addicted to the peach/apricot color that would be great against the greens of the plants and the flagstone.


Thanks for sharing your opinion Priscilla. I hadn't thought of peach or apricot. Red had crossed my mind tho?? (if I didn't stick with the green) I need to adopt your "new season, new color" attitude ~ sometimes I just stick with the tried & true....


Those chairs look fabulous in that color. I say keep it! And yes it does look like a magazine shot.


awww, thanks Pam!!!

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